Holiday Shine Bouquet - $40.00Holiday Shine Bouquet – Clear glass ivy bowl filled with assorted greens, red carnations, red mini carnations, white mums, pinecones, and a festive plaid bow.
Local delivery only. Teleflora Snowflake Symphony - $74.99Oven to table stoneware serving dish with handles, distressed ivory finish and embossed snowflake detail is filled with a centerpiece of red carnations, red roses and assorted greens.
Teleflora Merry Glow Bouquet - $59.99Red glass lantern with a silver handle is filled with assorted greens, red carnations, red minis, red berries, and pinecones.
Traditional Christmas Centerpiece - $50.00Traditional round centerpiece with or without a candle with assorted pines, red and white flowers, pinecones, and festive ribbon loops.
Local Delivery Only. |
Winter Wonderland Bouquet - $75.00Silver mercury glass pedestal container filled with assorted greens, magnolia leaves, and assorted white flowers done centerpiece style. All premium flowers.
Local delivery only. Teleflora Send A Hug Reindeer Wish - $59.99Ceramic reindeer mug is filled with assorted pines, red carnations, red roses, red berries, white tipped pinecones and red and white striped bow.
Red Glass Cube Arrangement - $50.00Red glass cube filled with assorted pines, white hydrangea, red roses, and ribbon loops.
Local delivery only. |
Elegant Holiday Wishes - $69.95Red glass vase filled with assorted greens, babies breath, six red roses, six white roses with a velvet bow.
Local delivery only. Teleflora Thomas Kinkade Oh What Fun - $94.99Ice skate rental stand that lights up is the focal point of this holiday centerpiece of assorted pines, red carnations, red minis, red roses and frosty pinecones.
1 Candle - $60.00, 2 Candles - $75.00