Teleflora Sage Harvest Bouquet - $69.99Hand painted ceramic pumpkin in sage green is filled with a beautiful bouquet of orange roses, orange carnations, yellow alstroemeria, and burgundy mums.
Teleflora Enchanted Forest - $54.99A bark textured container featuring a ceramic leaf charm is filled with orange roses, peach mini carnations, rust button mums and burgundy/red daisies.
Rustic Fall Arrangement - $49.95Rustic wooden cube filled with fresh fall flowers consisting of orange lilies, Viking mums, golden colored mums, oak leaves, and wheat.
Teleflora Enchanted Harvest - $64.99White ceramic pumpkin filled with a beautiful fall bouquet of orange roses, orange alstroemeria, mini burgundy carnations, and yellow Viking mums accented with fall leaves.
Teleflora Sunrise Sunset - $49.99Orange glass cube filled with orange gerbera, red carnations, orange roses and assorted greens.
Orange Pumpkin Arrangement - $49.95Ceramic pumpkin with Viking mums, golden mums, sunflowers, fall leaves and wheat.
Teleflora Majestic Meadow - $64.99Glazed stoneware pitcher (FDA approved to safely serve and store drinks) is filled with a fall bouquet of orange roses, orange spray roses, butterscotch daisies, orange hypericum berries and burgundy mini carnations.
Thankful Table CenterpieceAssorted fall flowers consisting of roses, mums, hypericum berries, orange lilies, fall leaves ,Viking mums, etc.
1 candle-$50.00, 2 candle-$60.00, 3 candle-$75.00 European Garden for Fall - $60.00Clear glass vase filled with sunflowers, red roses, orange lilies, solidago, and Viking mums with a Raffia bow around the vase.